Dress For Girls: White Salvaar suit- 2 set Apron- 2 (6 button) Shoes-Black belly Socks-White Dress For Boys: Pure White Shirt and Z-Biack Pant- 2 set Apron- 2 (6 button) Shoes-Black with lashes Socks-White STATIONARY : Registers 200 pages- 6 Pen - Black & Blue- 12 Pencil- 2 box Pencil Colour-1 box Sketch Pen (Coloured)-1 set Sketch Pen (Biack)-1 set Hostel Requirement Mattress - 3' x 6' -1pc Bed sheet- 2 pc Pillow, Bucket, Mug, Towel and other personal belongings. Water camper/Water bottle-1or 2 Lit. Photographs of Motlier,'Father and Local Guardian (if any) Copy of Adhar Card of Mother, Father and Local Guardian (if any} Undertaking of discipline in the hostel.